Straubing à Baiana - Germany - #19HT - A Rich Homeless

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A rich homeless

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domingo, 11 de fevereiro de 2018

Straubing à Baiana - Germany - #19HT

I'm sorry to disappoint you, but I have no clue how Staubing looks like. I didn't go to anywhere except Cris’ place. Once I didn't do any walk tour around looking for attractions. I don't really believe that there was so much to see there. If you check in Tripadvisor, the top 5 spots to see, 3 of them are churches. In fact so many German that I met they didn't know that the City’s name.

All right, but why I'm talking about Staubing now? Because I obvious was there! But like always I'm going to share my personal experience. Enjoy traveling inside my brain!

I told you, I was really tired after my first days traveling and this was the "time to settle down". Something like, spending hours talking, drinking beers, cooking, eating, smoking and relaxing. I considered it as my first break in this trip.

I had this kind of moment, after too much information and intensive moments I needed to have a relaxing moment.

This break really helped a lot, not standing in the highway for 2 days, sleeping and eating well, laundering my clothes, having warm shower twice a day. 

If you already spent few hours or days without one of your needs, when you have one of your needs back, it's a special moment. Something like to find a warm shower after days without shower, eat a amazing meal after few days eating street's food, have the chance to use clean clothes when you don't have more clean underwear to use and you need to change its side and other. 

It's crazy; when I didn't have my own bed during 4 months in the night that I slept there was something really special. I'm not getting old or lazy; just don't forget that even nomads needed to stop sometimes during their journey.

What I can especially share with you about these unique moments is the meal that I had. 

In my second day there, Nadine just joined us. Thanks to her that had the brilliant idea to ask us for having a Brazilian dish. With the motivation to impress the "gringa" we just chose one of the best that we could.

I'm going to tell you something that you'll change your life: Moqueca. Sorry about other culinary, but until now in my life, it’s hard to find something better than the food from my State (Bahia) and Moqueca is one of my favorites dishes at all.

It's just amazing, I'm not here to teach how to cook, but it's basically I mix between shrimp, vegetables, coconut milk, palm oil and some spices. It's seriously delicious. You can even try to make, but you know... The taste always change, depending who's making it and probably the best you that you'll try was made from a Brazilian, in this case Cris just made a great Moqueca like we make in Brazil. Anyway you can still try to make it if you have all of ingredients, Google it.

Just this meal made worth it my visit in Straubing. My host of course loved it and we have a really chilled evening. The day after we would start our trio hitchhiking trip. 

Google it: Moqueca baiana

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